Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, California
Membership is open to anyone interested in learning, sharing, and participating in garden-related activities. Guests are invited to attend general meetings for a $5 fee per meeting to learn more about our club. Meeting are held at 12:30 on the third Thursday of September, November, January, March and May. Additional events are held throughout the year for the benefit of the members.
Dues: Yearly dues are $30 per member (membership year is July 1 thru June 30). Spouses or companions may join for an additional $15 per year. Membership includes a yearbook, the bylaws, and our bimonthly newsletter, The Seedling. Join the same day, and the $5 will be applied to the yearly dues.
Please contact us by entering below and we can email you an application. Membership applications are also available at general meetings. Please bring your completed application and payment to a general meeting (see schedule of general meetings on the Upcoming Events page of this website). Make sure your check is payable to "Bernardo Gardeners Club". For general questions or more information about the club or the application process, please contact bernardogardenersclub@gmail.com.
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