Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, California
General Meetings:
General meetings are held at 12:30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of SEP-NOV-JAN-MAR-MAY.
Gatherings and trips throughout the year are announced in the newsletter and by email.
Guests are welcome at general meetings for a fee of $5.00 which will be applied to the membership fee ($30) if the guest joins the club on the same day.
Dues and Fees
Membership year runs from July 1 through June 30.
Annual dues are $30.00 per person. Dues for the second member of a household are $15.00 per year.
Dues are payable by June 1st for the upcoming year.
2025 Schedule
Bernardo Gardeners 2025 Spring Garden Tour
Saturday, May 3, from 10 am to 3:30 pm
Other special events are announced via email to members.
General Meeting
General Meeting Location:
Rancho Bernardo Swim & Tennis Club
16955 Bernardo Oaks Drive San Diego, CA 92128
Parking Instructions:
Please park in the lower lot adjacent to the RB Presbyterian Church, near the corner of Rancho Bernardo Road and Pomerado Road. In the southwest end of the lot (farthest from Pomerado) is a gate to the Swim & Tennis Club. Push the intercom button and you will be admitted. The walk from there is less than one block and involves going down a small hill. Those who are being dropped off may use the main entrance parking lot off of Bernardo Oaks Road.
Note: For questions or more information about any of these events, email bernardogardenersclub@gmail.com
Please note: Bernardo Gardeners Club is not accepting new member applications at this time, due to room capacity limitations.