Bernardo Gardeners Club

Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, California


RB Library Entrance

Children's Garden

Rancho Bernardo Library Indoor Garden, Children's Garden, and Side Area:

Members were at it again, creating and working hard on two gardens, the Children's Garden and the Lobby Garden at the Rancho Bernardo Library. 

Civic Beautification

The Bernardo Gardeners Club is active in various civic improvement activities within its community.

Operation Secret Santa

In 2023 we adopted military families at Christmas time.  We contributed $100 to each of the 20 families this year along with gifts for the families.  The funding came from our annual Garden Tour funds.   ​​

Rancho Bernardo Library Flower Arrangements:

Beautiful plant and flower arrangements are donated and placed in the entryway every week by our members. When you visit the library, check them out. For nearly 20 years, this project has been expertly and lovingly engaged by members of the Bernardo Gardeners Club. 

School Gardens

Th Bernardo Gardeners awarded two grants for school gardens. A grant of $550 went to a brand-new school, Connect Academy, to start its garden project with a shed to store garden tools. The second grant of $450 went to Westwood Elementary for another raised bed in its courtyard area.

​Garden Therapy 

The Garden Therapy group meets on the second Monday of each month, October through May. Workshop times are 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The committee plans projects using succulents, dried plants, pumpkins, pine cones, and various other materials. It's an enjoyable and rewarding experience 

working with the residents of Gateway Assisted Living. 

Penny Pines

Our members and guests participate in this worthy reforestation project through the California Garden Clubs, Inc. by donating money at our monthly meetings. Donations, in increments of $68, will purchase one plantation. Each plantation consists of approximately 350 trees on a little less than one acre. Our donations, in conjunction with Federal funds, are used to replant burned trees (native to our area) or repair damaged forests throughout California, wherever there have been destructive fires. The devastation in these areas suffered during the 2003 and 2007 fires was immense. As of July 2019, our club will have purchased approximately 98 plantations.  All the national forests in California that receive donations send our Club certificates of appreciation. For more information, go to the Penny Pines  website. Honor someone or an event by making a contribution. 

This area used to be a bare strip, but it now hosts beautiful succulents.