Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, California
National Garden Club Organization
National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC): www.gardenclub.org
Pacific Region of National Garden Clubs, Inc.: www.pacificregiongardenclubs.org
California Garden Clubs, Inc. (CGCI): www.californiagardenclubs.org
Palomar District Garden Clubs: http://californiagardenclubs.com/palomardistrict
Palomar District Garden Clubs Newsletter:
Associate Membership
San Diego Floral Association, Inc.: www.sdfloral.org
San Diego Floral Association Newsletter:
Other Clubs, Gardens & Centers
Abraxas Garden: www.abraxasgarden.com
American Iris Society: www.irises.org
American Rose Society: www.rose.org
African Violet Society of America: www.avsa.org
Kate Sessions Trees: www.katestrees.org
National Gardening Association: www.garden.org
San Diego Horticultural Society: www.sdhort.org
San Diego Botanic Garden: www.sdbg.org
San Diego Botanic Garden November Newsletter:www.ewordfly.com
Solana Center for Environmental Innovation: www.solanacenter.org
Solana Rain Barrels & Rainwater Harvesting: www.solanacenter.org/rain-barrels
Southern California Plumeria Society:www.southerncaliforniaplumeriasociety.com
Gardening Tips and Information
Home and Garden TV: www.hgtv.com
Master Gardeners of San Diego: www.mastergardenerssandiego.org
Organic Gardening Tips: www.organicgardentips.com
The Helpful Gardener: www.helpfulgardener.com
The Water Conservation Garden:www.thegarden.org
Weekend Gardener Web Magazine: www.weekendgardener.net
Fight the Bite!: www.sandiegocounty.gov/fightthebite/
Invitations & Flyers
The Flower Fields in Carlsbad
Solana Center Rainwater Harvesting Program
Register for Free Workshop
January 25, 2025
Kate Sessions Commitment: